Monday, May 9, 2011

A Long Overdue Post.....

No, I did not fall into a deep, dark black hole......I've just been pregnant with two little ones running around trying to keep up with life that just seems to be whirling by me at rapid speed! Imagine how crazy it will be with 3 children, ahhhh yes I can hear the sound of crying now, me that is, not the kids........just kidding. It was a rough first couple of weeks with the pregnancy, feeling like well, you know something stuck to the bottom of your shoe for about 13ish weeks and having to care for two little ones was not really my idea of fun, but we roughed it out and came out relatively unharmed! Now the daunting task of just making sure I get a enough rest and have enough pep to get through the day is my challenge, I am a night owl by nature, but I pay for it and hate myself in the morning when I hear a chubby little red head quacking like a duck over the monitor at 6:30am, followed shortly after at 7am by quiet unlatching his older sister's door wondering if in fact Daddy has yet left for work.

We have been busy to say the least, just doing life and living it up. We have indeed added two more chickens to the Slimick Farm, they remain unnamed at the moment, but we are working on it. Once they stopped getting picked on by our other 4 chickens and they get acclimated to their new surroundings we will be sure to share some photos of our newest feathered family members.

Until then enjoy some random photos of our crazy adorable children on an outing we had last month to our local natural history museum, and yes after actually viewing these pictures and seeing how long our son's hair was we cut it soon after. Rest assured Jonah now looks like a little boy who has parents who love him.

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