We just got back from the Orthopaedic's office this morning with a shiny new red cast on Sophie's left wrist. Yes, she broke her wrist too. She had complained of it yesterday, but she was using it a little bit and had movement so we just thought that it was just hurt or at worst sprained from the fall, but no it's broken. I knew I should have had them x-ray it yesterday when she said it hurt, but it was not her main complaint, she just kept saying that her foot hurt most. So this morning when she woke up still complaining about her wrist I knew I had to take her. I showed up at urgent care as soon their doors opened for another round of x-rays, and since Neal was at work our fabulous deacon from church, Amy, came with me so she could go back in the x-ray room with Sophie, Thank Amy we love you!!!! The doc told us it was broken and made an appointment for us to head over to the Orthopaedics yet again. My dad rushed down to make the appointment with me so I didn't have to go alone. Sophie was a little more upset this time I think mainly because she is just over the whole situation. This cast will have to be on for 4 weeks as well, we go back in a month for the follow up. We are finally home and I think this is the end of the chaos for now and we can begin to heal and rest. She did have sort of a rough night sleeping last night I don't think that she could get comfy and she kept asking to take her pink thing off. Bless her heart. We'll see how it goes napping and sleeping tonight with the new wrist cast. Thank you again, everyone for your prayers, emails and visits. It means so much to have everyone reaching out in such a stressful time.
Please let me know if there is ANYTHING we can do!