Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Progress Is Being Made!

Today I had my 36 week appointment with the midwife and all is looking very well. I am measuring right on at 36cm and the baby is moving like crazy ALL THE TIME!!!! Heart rate is 156 glorious beats per minute and I am starting to dilate!!! Yay!! Really that means nothing concrete, a woman could walk around a couple centimeters dilated for weeks, but still it is nice to know that progress is being made. I am 2.5cm dilated and remembering back, oh about 3 years ago, when our first little blessing graced us with her presence, my water broke and I was 3 cm......can I get a repeat performance please within the next week or two? I go back in two weeks (10/27) for another appointment, however I told the midwife that I had a very vivid dream that I was going to have this baby on October 22nd and that it was a girl. Don't know how true that is, but I also had a very clear dream that Sophie was a girl, before we had the ultrasound to determine her gender. So who knows....boy, girl I'll certainly take either, but I would really like October 22nd to come true!!! The midwife also thinks very strongly that this baby is a girl too. Neal swears it is a boy, Sophie is not wavering with her vote of girl, my dad says boy, my mom can't make up her mind, my mother in law doesn't "have a feeling" either way right now I think she originally thought boy, but now isn't sure, and I believe my father in law thinks boy.

What do you think? Leave us a comment and let us know!