Monday, March 2, 2009

More Snow And Lots Of It!!

Well, I didn't think that we would actually get it or that we would get as much as we did, but after a full day of rain on Saturday, late Sunday evening rain turned to freezing rain the temperature dropped and low and behold around 6:15pm huge flakes of snow started falling and falling and falling and falling! We woke up this morning to a thick blanket of snow covering everything and we could hear Sophie over the monitor discovering the snow in the morning light. Needless to say Neal stayed home from work and once we heard of the 10.5 hour back up on I-85 he was glad he did. The glow of the early morning sunrise reflected off of the snow was beautiful and once we got outside the muffled quiet that the snow created was so peaceful and calming.

Since we don't really get a lot of snow around here we really don't have appropriate snow attire so we layered clothing and put plastic grocery bags over Sophie's socks to help keep the moisture out and it actually worked! We had a grand time playing outside, we used Neal's skate boards that have no wheels as sleds, and they worked pretty well! Neal tried to build Sophie a snowman, but the snow was so powdery he couldn't get a good ball rolling, so our snowman is more of a snowblob, but Sophie thought that is was fabulous and that is all that matters. All in all I would say that would got probably a good 4-6 inches of snow......that is big doings for us people!

Our house Sunday night.

Sophie's grocery bag feet!

Sophie's first step outside.

Sledding on the skateboard!

Throwing a snowball at Daddy!

Discovering the joy of eating snow!

Getting ready to take a bite out of the snowman!

Admiring Daddy's handy work.

Our snowblob.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you guys had a blast in the snow. I love the snow man!!
