Thursday, February 19, 2009

Bored Out of My Mind

As I sit here and listen to the baby monitor and await Sophie's calls of, "Mommy where are you?" which lets me know that she is in fact awoken from her nap and is ready for me to come and get her (if I go up and get her before she is ready, she is way grumpy, so I have learned to wait for the call), I realized how bored I am. I can only do so much laundry, and I can only avoid several other household tasks before the boredom really sets in. I am actually so bored I want my sleeping two year old to wake up just so I will have something to crazy is that?????? So in an effort to banish my boredom I retreated to the home office and logged onto the trusty Internet and Googled "Bored Out of My Mind" and a plethora of websites came up and this is the one that I found most entertaining Very Bored A Great Place to Be When You Are Bored.

Just a quirky little website that is really nothing but a time filler of things that you would have never really ventured to care about unless you were in fact, "Bored out of your mind" with nothing else to do. So if you ever find yourself as bored as I am finding myself right now, check it out, it is actually slightly entertaining. Now I am off to the kitchen to start dinner since Neal just called and let me know that he is on his way home, YAY!!!!!!


  1. hahaha
    you are a trip girl! I might need that website sometime while I am here at work =)
